Hence, this guide provides key steps that a writer must follow when citing song lyrics MLA 8, APA 7, Chicago/Turabian, and Harvard styles. However, credible papers must follow the necessary guidelines to avoid possible cases of plagiarism. Also, the most significant differences include orders or names, use of capital letters and sentence cases, and sequence of bibliographic details. Basically, MLA 8, APA 7, Chicago/Turabian, and Harvard referencing styles rely on different rules for in-text citations and bibliographic entries. In most cases, instructions require them to use different referencing styles to cite song lyrics. For example, students in literature write papers analyzing the specific song lyrics. Songs are suitable sources for information used in scholarly papers. General Guidelines of Using Music Lyrics in MLA 8, APA 7, Chicago/Turabian, and Harvard Styles
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Hence, students need to learn how to cite song lyrics in MLA 8, APA 7, Chicago/Turabian, and Harvard formats. Finally, one should include URL links for songs located in online databases. Also, a prudent writer includes the production date inside the essay’s body.

In particular, parts of songs refer to the duration of time that contains quoted lyrics. Besides, the MLA referencing style requires students to use the artist’s name and the section cited. In turn, only the MLA 8 style does not require an author-date format for in-text citations. Also, parenthetical in-text citations should appear inside rounded brackets. In all referencing styles, writers may use parenthetical or narrative in-text citations. However, song’s titles must appear in a sentence case for APA 7 and Harvard format styles. For example, bibliographic entries in MLA 7 and Chicago/Turabian formats should have a song’s titles in a title case. In this case, significant differences include orders or names, use of capital letters and sentence cases, and sequence of bibliographic details. Songs contain lyrics that can support arguments made in scholarly papers.